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Social Media And Mental Health: What Is The Impact? Complicated

We spoke to Dr. Adam Brown about his concerns regarding the impact of social media on developing brains.

What are the negative effects of Social Media?

Brown believes that social media has both positive and negative aspects, but he is most concerned about the seemingly limitless access to information.

Brown continues: "Parents used to have the ability to filter out what was going on in society and what their kids were ready to hear. They would then talk to their children and explain things to them." "But people are exposed all the time to everything and kids may be unprepared for what they see and hear."

Social media can be a very serious issue for those who have a trauma history. They are easily triggered by the things they see and hear on social media. It really worries me that people could be exposed to things that trigger them without anyone around to see, know or help.

There's also the issue of misinformation. Brown says that "what they are seeing and hearing on the Internet may not be accurate. Who knows what they will encounter?"

What is the impact of social media on teenagers' mental health?

e e Some studies also show a link between sleep deprivation and anxiety, specifically in teens.

This can also lead to body image problems. The Royal Society for Public Health of the United Kingdom conducted a survey among 1,500 young people and found that girls compare themselves to unrealistic images of "perfect" girls that are photo-shopped.

Can mental health have positive effects?

The majority of studies show a strong correlation between social media use and negative mental states such as anxiety and depression. There have been reported benefits. A recent review "indicated that some uses of social media, such as suicide preventative measures and authenticity in self-presentation are linked to mental health among adolescents."

Brown insists, however, that people who need mental health care should seek out trained professionals. I worry that with some online resources, you may not know the exact training of the person working with you. I'd feel more comfortable if a traumatized individual went to someone who specialized in the area where they needed help.


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