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In What Way Is Vitamin D Beneficial? Vitamin D Is Good For Who?

Some foods contain vitamin D naturally, while others are fortified with it. When exposed to direct sunlight, our bodies produce vitamin D by converting an organic chemical on the skin into a form that is active.

You can learn everything about vitamin D.

What is the effect of vitamin D on the body?

Vitamin D helps the body absorb calcium, which is essential for strong bones. It also benefits the immune system, muscles, and nervous system. Walter Willett MD, professor at Harvard T. H. Chan School of public health, says that vitamin D has many roles. It supports immunity, controls glucose metabolism, and reduces dementia and cancer risks.

Who should take Vitamin D? What are the risks of deficiency?

Willett says that a lack of vitamin D can lead to deformities in the bones, including rickets, when it is present in children. The fortification in the milk of vitamin D has made a huge difference on this front.

While vitamin D is essential for everyone, it is "particularly crucial for athletes, especially those who engage in contact sports, as it supports our structural body strength," according to Uma Naidoo MD, director of Nutrition and lifestyle psychiatry and author of "This Is Your Brain on Food." The best your brain is like Fildena 100.

Vitamin D can also be important for mental health. Naidoo explains that vitamin D in the brain acts as a "neuro-steroid" and helps to protect against anxiety disorders. Vitamin D promotes healthy gut bacteria, which is associated with reduced depression and schizophrenia symptoms.

How much vitamin D is required per day?

Other factors may also be taken into consideration. Willett says that there has been much debate about how much vitamin D is needed for optimal health, and whether or not supplements are beneficial. e He says that about 60% of African Americans, and 20% of European Americans, have lower vitamin D levels than they need. This puts them at risk of some health problems. He says that the good news is "vitamin-D supplementation prevents serious low blood levels for most people."

What foods contain vitamin D?

Vitamin D is not naturally present in many foods. However, it can be added to milk, cereals, and certain yogurts and cheeses. This nutrient is also found in egg yolks, mushrooms, salmon, tuna, sardines, and other fatty fish. Naidoo says that few foods provide enough vitamin D to meet the national recommendations.

Willett says that most people get their vitamin D from the sun.

Supplementation with vitamin D can be a good source of vitamin D. Many people take vitamin D3, and many multivitamins also contain the daily minimum of vitamin D.

Willett says that a multi-mineral/multivitamin supplement, which is inexpensive, can be a good nutritional safety net to prevent vitamin D deficiency. As always, it is a good idea to discuss the use of supplements with your doctor.


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